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Take your personal practice to the next level

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Focus on finding ease It might seem pretty simple, but this is harder than it sounds, especially in those trickier postures that you really want to nail! Start with the postures you feel pretty confident in; once you've found your sweet spot in terms of alignment, focus on softening through the breath and taking a moment to really find a place of stillness, both in body and mind. You might be surprised at how much more you notice about the experience of the practice! Go to a workshop Workshops are really helpful for diving deeper into one particular area you want to work on, for example balancing postures. Workshops will give you the opportunity to learn about how the body works and the muscles and activation required for certain postures in much more depth than you can in a public class. You can also ask all the questions you like to really help you to move forward! Practice your Ujjayi Breath You have probably heard of Ujjayi breath and maybe your teacher refers to it in your classes but do you actually use it within your practice? Using this breath within your practice increases the flow of oxygen in the blood, hence increasing your energy levels while allowing you to feel more present and connected to the flow of your movement. Maintaining a rhythm with your breath can do wonders for enhancing the experience of the practice!

Hit the books If you've been practicing yoga asanas (postures) for a while but haven't read or been told much behind the philosophy of yoga, the teachings and the history of the practice then I would highly recommend hitting the books to enhance your understanding of why we practice! Having this background knowledge will help you to work through frustrations you may come across on, or off, the mat and put your practice into perspective.

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